Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Day 1

Well guess what?? I did it!! Did what?? I signed up for a marathon!! Am I ready? Mentally? YES Physically?? NOOO But you have to start somewhere and here I am starting! I have 2 and half months to whip myself into shape. Doing something that hasn't been done around here in a long time. A girl going from Fat Chick to Marathon runner! I am bound and determined to do this. It has been my dream for a very very long time. Many of my friends will tell you this, i just have never done this. So when a special person asked me to do a marathon with her, how could I say no! I am very very far behind being in shape. Infact where I stand tonight is I can comfortable run 2 blocks and I have to go 6 miles. But, if you know me I will not give up and I will cross that finish line in a couple months. Hope your excited to go on this journey: From Fat Girl to Marthon Runner!~!

Friday, March 26, 2010

Wonderful Friday!

Well I did it! I went 100% glutten free yesterday! I even had a ham and cheese sandwhich (on corn tortillas) :) It feels great to be glutten free!! I believe I will continue to work to it! I didn't lose anything this past week from living to eat instead of eating to live. But, I feel like I am getting back on track. Now if only I could find a way to get motivated into working out. Tho, I had a little motivation yesterday as we were at the park with the kids playing. My husband said it was amazing to watch the energy that I have now to play with the kids and it simply made me want more and more!! I want to run with my boys for hours upon hours!! They are my true motivation!!
This morning for breakfast I had a hardboiled egg that we broke up, alot like a scrambled egg added a touch of butter then the salt and pepper! It was great~!@!

Well, I will write more tonight! I am off to work, to run and play with the children!


Thursday, March 25, 2010

Say Hey Its a Good Day!!

Good morning world!! It's a brand new day with a brand new start!! I'm not here to diet, i'm here to change some old habits in my and turn them into new ones. Not just or me but for my family as well!! I did not wake up in time to do my work out, but I did get up in enough time that I already have breakfast on the stove. In order to work harder at my glutten free life style we are having breakfast rice this morning. Which is perfect because it happens to be my boys favorite!! Want the recipe: Cook some rice add a little milk and some cinnamon and sugar, ofcourse i substutite the sugar with splenda!! Giving me rougly 150 calories for breakfast!!

I know that the Lord has great plans for me and for this weight loss and its time to listen to my God. I know my God is bigger than any sort of food addiction that I may have not its time to put into play that knowledge! Struggles will come but I know He OVERCOMES!! Which is the reason for my title.

Say hey its a good day, even if things don't go my way! Jesus is Lord and I am saved so say hey its a good day!!! :)

Wednesday, March 24, 2010


Everyone keeps asking me how I can have little motivation at this moment when I just lost so much weight. But the truth is I am having a hard time with motivation. I told you guys I would share the good and the bad in this journey and here I am with the bad!!

I have done nothing but eat and eat and eat some more!~! I have also lost my motivation for working out!! You may say how bad can it really be well let me give you an example of my day today as to what I have eatin. Most of it will leave your mouths dropped and it leaves mine doing the same.

Breakfast: Yoplait (Okay off to a good start)
Lunch: 4-6 bites of cakes, BLT and chips
Snack: a few bites of cheeze its and 4 graham crackers with peanut butter (yes 4)
Supper New potatoes and broccoli and cheese, and i tried a frog leg

Okay so it may not sound super duper horrid but here is where I have fault. In the past month I have found that I have what I believe to have an intolerance to glutten. In the time that I took the glutten out of my everyday diet i felt better and was healed of many things that have hurt me for years. As you can see by what I ate nearly everything is filled with glutten. I have a craving for breads and flours, the good stuff!!

Please say a prayer for me that I can remember how good it felt to be 100% glutten free!!!
I pray that I myself will continue to look to Christ for my comfort instead of food!! That is alot of my problem!!

What I plan on working on? Being 100% glutten free and believing in it no matter what everyone else tells me!!

Monday, March 22, 2010

Spring break means big temptations!

Well if theres anything ive learned its that I have yet to fully understand how people resist temptations. Tho I fully did not go back to my old self, i also didn't stay true to my new self. Eating bread and crackers were my big down fall. I had also gotten away from pop but found myself sitting there drinking my diet mt dew!! It is very very hard to stay strong when everyone around you is CONSTANTLY eating. One thing Ive realzed is just how much food has become an important part of our family and everday lives. Everything we do is revolved around food. If we want to spend family time, well that means someone cooks a big meal. If we want to sit down and play games, well someone has to go get the case of cokes and the chips and dip. Isn't it crazy how EVERYTHING revolves around food!!
My prayers is that God will release me from this same mindset and that I will be able to start a new trend for my family and future family!!

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Quick Note: Its VaCa Time

Hey Guys!!
This is quick note to let you know where ill be over the next few days!!
BRANSON!! So you may or may not hear from me, it depends on my internet connection!
Update: Past 2 days have not been horrible just not as good as I would like!
I ate pizza tonight, even tho i didn't go over my calories, i still feel blah!!!
My goal: To keep being smart even thru vacation!! Although those turkey legs at the fair may be hard to resist hey no carbs hehe!! Always looking on the bright side of food :)

Monday, March 15, 2010

Here I am!!

SOO, Here I am, along with my water bottle in hand! Well not really because I type best with the use of both my hands, but you get the picture!!
After many plees and even a few people getting on to me. I finally decided i needed this blog. Not just because of the few of you that give me encouragment but to keep myself accountable.
So now for the good news:
I LOST 50 LBS!!!
YAH! It is very very amazing, although I have 50 more to go!! I am currently doing a 25 lbs challenge by my birthday. For those of you that do not know when that is.. SHAME ON YOU.. It's May 30th To be honest I am going to have to get my butt in gear because the last few weeks i have not pushed myself like i am capable of doing. That is partial why this blog is being integrated back into my life.

The latest challenge: Drinking Water!! A couple of weeks ago I got a major UTI and when i figured it out i had not drank a drop of water in 3 to 4 days. Therefore, I gave up the pop for my health! This is not some crazy challenge that I am going to beat myself up over if I happen to have one. My addiction to pop has been a slight increase to something that has come to control me. I even excused my addiction to pop, as it kept me from eating!! This is where I am still learning to be satisfied with one thing and one thing alone. MY SAVIOR!! Only He can satisfy my desires, feelings, and even my habitual motives for eating and drinking the things that i do.

Thank you for joining me on my next journey of stepping into a New me!!!
I promise this time I am here to stay!!

By the way: lesson learned today, HOTDOGS are not a good diet food, LOTS OF CALORIES!!