Friday, July 17, 2009

1 Foot and 1 Inch

Hey guys!! Let's just say that God is good all the time, He puts a song of praise in this heart of mine!! Last night I did something that I have not done in well over 5 years. My sister and I went for a walk and went a total of 3.5 miles, the impressive part is we jogged 1 mile and half of that being a constant run!! Now, for those of you jocks out there (no names, Craig) that doesn't sound very impressive but for 2 girls that weights equal a 1/2 ton, that has got to be something!! I wouldn't of been able to do it without Nina there.

Now my second huge thing which you might of guessed from my title: I have lost 13 inches from my body. Can you imagine that is a whole ruler off of me. I can not tell you how amazing and encouraging this makes me feel!!

Yesterday Nina and I decided to change our eating habits even more and I think it will work out wonderful. We bot ate bigger breakfasts and lunches and had a very light yogurt and fruit bowl for supper! Yes, i did feed my family i real meal, but my body is getting so use to things that I am going to have to change things up for awhile!!

Goal: To eat a healthy breakfast and maintain my life change during the weekend.